If you've been holding back on that trip to the pumpkin patch, take heart from these porches and front yards. They show that one pumpkin from the grocery store — two if you're feeling frisky — is all that's needed to sit pretty through November.

There are times when a porch filled with gourds, scarecrows and skeletons is exactly the way to go. There are other times when a lone pumpkin says fall in an elegantly perfect way.

A single, squat heirloom pumpkin seems to have gone to the same paintbox as the red hot pokers in this front garden.

Hello, it's Halloween! No hauling, arranging or carving required.

Symmetrical placement formalizes the Halloween greeting in this elegant porch in upstate New York ...

... as does this pair of pumpkins by pillars in Seattle.

Going solo amplifies the sunny presence of a classic orange pumpkin.

In December swap out a wee pumpkin for a bough of holly to take you through the new year.

If you put the pumpkin farther from the door, select a larger one, so that it will stand out against the bigger background of your house.
Did you go minimal this Halloween? We'd love to see how you did it.
Did you go minimal this Halloween? We'd love to see how you did it.